Travel to the magic forest with Ivan, Vasilisa, and – of course – Baba Yaga!
Rescuing the beautiful Firebird from the golden apple tree is only the beginning of our hero’s journey, with his true love in danger he must save the day through heart, strength, and wit.
Based on a folk tale of old Russia, in which the traditional Hero, Ivan, goes in search of his true love, who has been captured by dark forces. Along the way he rescues a beautiful Firebird caught in a chain beneath a golden apple tree, meets Baba Yaga, the traditional Russian witch, who reveals to him that the Firebird he freed is none other than his true love, Vasilisa, and helps him, despite her nature, by showing him the way to the realm of the Black Dragon. His adventure comes to an end when, by using his wit rather than his strength, Ivan triumphs over the Dragon, and, united with his true love, returns to his homeland.
This lush and elaborate production, with rod puppets created in the tradition of Russian folklore; the vivid and colorful scenery of the first Act contrasted with the dark and mysterious underworld of the second Act; the spellbinding music of Stravinsky and Mussorgsky as well as folk songs of old Russia, transports the audience to an enchanted and magical world — a world of fairy tales.
1. The Firebird – by Demi. Henry, Holt, and Co. NY, 1994.
2. The Golden Mare, the Firebird, and the Magic Ring – by R.Sanderson. Little, Brown, and Co, 2001.
3. The Tzar’s Bird – by A.Tompert. Macmillan Pub Co, 1990.
4. Russian Fairy Tales – by A.Afanas’ev. Pantheon Books, NY, 1975.
5. Favorite Russian Fairy Tales – by A.Ransome. Dover Pub, Inc, 1995.
6. Russian Folk Tales by J.Riordan. Oxford University Press, 2000.
7. Essential Russian Mithology – by P.Simonov. Thorson, 1997.
1. CD. Igor Stravinsky. The Great Ballets. Firebird. Petrushka. Phillips Classics Productions, 1993.
2. CD. Modest Mussorgsky – Pictures at an Exhibition.
3. CD. Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov. Suites: The Golden Cockerel; The Tzar Sultan. Phillips Classics Productions, 1981.
4. CD. A Night at Bald Mountain and other Russian favorites. MCMXCII Intersound, Inc.
1. On the Wing. Bird poems and Paintings – by D.Florian. Voyager Books, 2000.
2. Russian Tails in Verse – by A.Pushkin. Forum Books Limited, 1990.
3. Ruslan and Ludmila – by A.Pushkin. A novel-tale in verse. Bergh Pub, Inc, 1994.
1. Russia – by K.B.Murrell. Dorling Kindersley, 2000.
Discover the turbulent past of this vast land.
2. Colors of Russia – by S.Zemlicka. Carolrhoda Books, Inc, 2002.
3. Mother Russia – by J.Hubbs. Indiana, 1988.
4. The first Thousand words in Russian – by H.Amery and K.Kirilenko. Usborn Publish LTD, 1983. Easy pronunciation guide included. The Collection at the Museum of International Folk Art.
1. Birds. What do a Golden Eagle and Flamingo have in common ? – by S.Savage.
Steck-Vaughn Pub, 2002.
2. Eyewitness – Bird. Series “Natural history”. Video. Dorling Kindersley, 1997.
The Spirit of Folk Art – by H.Glassie. Harry N.Abrams, Inc. NY, 1995.
1. The Puppet Book. L.Wall, G.White, A.Philpott. A complete and practical guide to Puppetry — for schools — which covers all types of Puppets.
2. Judy’s and Andrew’s Puppet Book – by M.Goaman. An introduction book for children who want to make puppets and run their shows